Journal Task #4 – Stars

Within a time span of three minutes, I am the star. I have all eyes, all ears. All of them. No moment in life can compare to the ones on the stage, but somehow, somehow on this bitter night, behind the thousands of stars that beam towards my face, making me their own. He is…

Journal Task #4 – Sonder

This term, we’re beginning to study the life and work of the Bard himself, grappling with what, where, when, why and how he wrote the poetry and plays that continue to permeate our modern culture. Shakespeare is famous for his philosophical one-liners, classic characters and epic stories that find their way into our lives and…

Oops, Hi (original) – Journal Topic #3

It was a normal day, a normal week, a normal year and of course it was normal to go to the bathroom. but it wasn’t as normal to meet the love of your life in their. ‘Oops and hi’ were their first words to each other. It was love at first sight. Oops and hi…