Journal #8 – Quotable Quotes

Welcome to a new term. To start this term, we’re delving into the wonderful world of genres. We’ll investigate what genres really are, how a text fits into a genre and what elements we need to look for when identifying genre. We’ll explore through reading, viewing and writing in different genres, and we’ll experiment to…

Journal Task #5 – Absurd Shield

Shakespeare was a wordsmith, known for his epic, complex storylines and turn of phrase teaching us truths about humans that have stood the test of time. It could be argued that his plays have lasted thanks to his characters and their ability to reflect the rawness of the human condition. For this journal task, you…

Journal Task #4 – Sonder

This term, we’re beginning to study the life and work of the Bard himself, grappling with what, where, when, why and how he wrote the poetry and plays that continue to permeate our modern culture. Shakespeare is famous for his philosophical one-liners, classic characters and epic stories that find their way into our lives and…

Journal Task #3 – Performance poetry

We’ve been exploring Performance or ‘Slam’ Poetry, and how we can use both language devices and performance skills to tell stories, express opinions and engage audiences. We’re working as a class towards exploring lots of different kinds of Performance Poetry and experiencing the different styles of various poets, in order to work towards creating our…

Journal Task #2 – Good Things Come in Small Packages

As we gear up for our Creative Writing assessment task, we’re looking at narratives and how we can improve our creative expression by using imagery to show, rather than tell. We’ve been working on different types of narratives and how we can build stories with rich detail with both many and few words. Our journal task…