Journal Task #6: Firefly Lane

A lifetime of friendship, a moment of betrayal.

Winter’s arrived! I think that what I’m eager about in my head is also running a marathon in everyone else’s head; yes I’m thinking what you’re thinking. Don’t you just love sinking in your most comfortable lounge, beside your warm fire place with sparkling flames, holding a large mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and marshmallows, and an extra soft and velvety blanket that covers your whole body, protecting it from the freezing, skin piercing cold air. So sit back and sink into your favourite lounge next to your fire place, fall into relaxation and absorb the luxury of comfort. Except, this unwinding and de-stressing time is uncompleted. There is still one valuable part that will show the complete image of the puzzle in our minds. That’s a book. As you’re experiencing this marvellous melting moment, I’m going to join you as I flop open this special book and reflect back to you on the story called Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. As you read this book the words will wonder around floating in the open air, you will chapter by chapter be connecting the words until you recognise the familiar storyline. Your eyes will be glued to the thin and flimsy pages. As the page numbers get higher you will continuously be experiencing the heart pumping, non-stop drama.

Firefly lane is a book, unlike any other. This book has its own uniqueness with a surreal storyline.  Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah is definitely one that has climbed up to the top of my ‘top favourite books’ list. Firefly Lane is not only extremely entertaining and relaxing, although it is also teaches the readers life lessons with not one but many morals that the author was deliberately trying to convey. In which she has successfully accomplished her goal. Unlike other deceiving books, with Firefly lane what you see is what you get. This is because many books have the most amazing front covers but the story and text inside the book isn’t that great, although with Firefly Lane it’s different. So from now on don’t judge a book by its cover.

Firefly Lane is such a remarkable book that I can’t even put words together to describe how tremendous it is. Something that I really like about this book is that it can be easily related to us; the situations we face, our accomplishments and disappointments, the society we live in and the world of growing up. This book shows how the characters sort out and get over some of the tough obstacles faced in their life.

The main two characters in the book are Tully (Tallulah) and Kate. The other characters involved throughout the story are Johnny (Kate’s husband), Cloud (Tully’s mum), Marah (Kate and Johnny’s daughter) and also many others. Firefly Lane starts out in 1974, with each year going by you will be amazed with how much drama and surprises that pops out of nowhere. One moment you will be crying a fountain of tears and then a second later you will be laughing that hard that your stomach will hurt. That’s something I love about this book, you will experience mixed emotions. This book is quite hilarious with all the funny jokes and actions the characters do, and sometimes I can really relate back to my friends and I.

The book is mainly about two girls (Tully and Kate) who one day meet. They have totally different likes, dislikes and personalities. Although I guess that’s what makes this book so funny! They become to be known as TullyandKate. Like many best friends, there’s always going to be arguing and disagreements. In the book there’s always many ups and downs with the two best friends having a hard time. If there was no drama, than it would be boring! Don’t you think? As they got older they still remained TullyandKate. Tully became really successful as she became one of the best and famous journalists. She then made her own TV show which made her extremely wealthy and well known.

Whereas Kate became a stay at home mum with no job. At times she felt a bit jealous, although she kept it to herself and got over it. Throughout the story there are many jaw-dropping, heart-pumping situations. This book is one to learn many life lessons and one to read after school or work to de-stress and relax.

Overall, I believe that this is an amazing book that I would definitely read again. It’s not only entertaining but also a relaxing book. This is one book to not hesitate to read, so don’t leave it sitting on your shelf!

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