7 Aqua’s Environmental Campaigns

Deforestation Busters logo

Welcome to 2014, which means that 7 Aqua is no longer 7 Aqua – we’re in Year 8 now, and we’re going to get blogging again soon, but I have been meaning to post the amazing work from the students’ environmental campaign projects from Term 4 last year.

Following our study of a range of different texts and articles relating to environmental issues, I set students a group project to create a campaign to promote an environmental issue of importance to them. You can check out the project task here: Our World, Our Future: Create a Campaign.

Students chose co-campaigners based on the issue they cared most about. They blogged about their progress, and I have to say, I was more than impressed at the creative ideas for the students’ campaigns, their passion for their projects, and the products that they put together. Students created websites, online petitions, online surveys, campaign logos, cartoons,

And here are some of the brilliant results of the project…

Natalie, Christelle and Priya created a campaign called “Out of the Cages” that was focused on raising awareness about animal cruelty, getting others on board the cause, and persuading the Australian parliament that new legislation should be introduced to protect animals. View the girls’ website by clicking on the banner below:

Out of the Cages Website

You can also take their animal cruelty survey, and view their anti-cruelty poster here.

Jovana, Rianna and Amina’s campaign is “Save Our Waters”, with a focus on raising awareness of marine pollution, and petitioning supermarkets to ditch the plastic bag. Visit their website here.

save our waters logo

We ended up with some fantastic logos, designed by the students. This one was created by Rianna.

And check out some of their awesome comics, like this one:

save our waters

and this:

Save our waters comics

Save Our Waters also included an online petition to ban plastic bags, which you can sign here, and an informative Prezi that outlines the dangers of marine pollution.

Christine and Sophia’s campaign, CS Energy Project, is aimed at raising awareness with everyday people about the sources of our energy. The girls promote the use of sustainable energy sources. You can view their website here:

CS Energy Project

The girls provide helpful tips to conserve energy, and link to a bunch of Youtube videos relating to energy consumption.

Danilo and Dimitrios’ campaign is “Get the nuke out of here!” and aims to discourage the use of nuclear energy. View the boys’ website here:

Get the nuke out of here

The website features a quiz about radiation, information about the risks of nuclear energy, interesting facts about nuclear power, a personal blog post by Danilo, and Danilo’s poetry about nuclear weapons.

Elizabeth and Leyla created “Gray Clouds”, a campaign to raise awareness about air pollution. View their website by clicking the image below. Elizabeth’s artwork makes an impressive logo.

Gray Clouds

Gray Clouds includes links to some of 7 Aqua’s blog posts about air pollution, information on what individuals can do to reduce pollution, and an online petition to start a revolution to stop air pollution.

Samantha, Gabby and Madison’s campaign is “We are animals 2”, to raise awareness about animal cruelty. View their website by clicking on the image below. I love this logo, too.

We are animals 2

Vladimir and Jordan created “Deforestation Busters” – an organisation dedicated to eradicating deforestation all over the world. Check their website below.

Deforestation Busters

The boys’ logo was another impressive one, designed using an online tool:

Mikaela and Gaby initiated “The Roar Foundation” – a campaign against animal cruelty and testing. View the website below.

Roar Foundation

The girls’ campaign includes an online petition, quotes from famous people who care about animals, and a survey about animal rights and cruelty.

Giulia and Holly are running an online petition for their campaign, called “Give Australia a chance to breathe”, asking Environment Minister Greg Hun to commit to reducing industrial pollution. You can sign it here.

Aren’t they amazing? I am so proud of you, kids!

There are more campaigns, and I will post links once the students have presented to the class. Stay tuned for more English blogging in 2014!

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